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Short Term Tenancy Forecast

Short Term Tenancy (STT) Tender Forecast
(7/2024 – 12/2024)

(Subject to review from time to time)


The STT Tender Forecast below is published for information purpose only and shall not be construed to imply that prior notice is hereby or will be given by the Government of the tender invitation date for any site listed in the forecast. The Government does not warrant that any Government site to be put up for tender will be included in the Tender Forecast and for any period of time before that site is put up for tender. Government will, at its discretion and without giving prior notice, withdraw any site from the Tender Forecast without putting up that site for tender or insert any other site in the Tender Forecast. For site(s) currently put up for tender, please refer to the list in Short Term Tenancy Tender.

The particulars of the STT tender below are tentative and for indication purpose only. They are subject to changes. For exact terms and conditions of the STT please refer to the respective tender documents to be available upon tender invitation. Government does not accept any liability or claim, whether legal or otherwise:-

  1. if any site is put up for tender without having previously included that site in the Tender Forecast; or
  2. if Government withdraws any site from the Tender Forecast; or
  3. if any changes of particulars of the site occur in the Tender Forecast.

(Last modified: 8 July 2024)

Proposed STT No.LocationProposed Site Area (m2)(About)Proposed TermProposed UserProposed Invitation DateSite Plan (PDF file)
STTST0150Whitehead, Ma On Shan, New Territories9 3001 year certain and thereafter quarterlyA fee-paying public car park for the parking of motor vehicles (excluding (i) tractors, trailers or container vehicles with or without tractors, trailers or containers and (ii) gas vehicles as defined under the Gas Safety Ordinance (Chapter 51), any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation) currently licensed under the Road Traffic Ordinance (Chapter 374), any regulations made thereunder and any amending legislation7/2024Location Plan
STTYL0262Tsing Long Highway, Yuen Long, New Territories3 6903 years certain and thereafter quarterly
  1. Agricultural purposes (excluding the rearing of livestock and poultry but including the ancillary sale of farm produce derived from the Premises); or
  2. Plant nursery including the ancillary sale of garden products derived from the Premises; or
  3. Any combination of the above;

but excluding hobby farming.  For the purpose of this Agreement, the determination of the Director of Planning as to whether the Premises or any part or parts thereof is or are being used for the purpose of hobby farming shall be final and binding on the Tenant, and “plant nursery” shall mean a place where plants are propagated and raised for future planting out or sale, and the determination of the District Lands Officer as to whether the Premises or any part or parts thereof is or are being used for the purpose of plant nursery shall be final and binding on the Tenant

8/2024Location Plan
STTTP0040On Pong Road, Tai Po, New Territories4 5401 year certain and thereafter quarterlyA fee-paying public carpark for the parking of motor vehicles (excluding medium goods vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, buses, container tractors and trailers and any motor vehicle carrying or laden with any cylinder, receptacle or container, whether empty or not, which is used or to be used to contain liquefied petroleum gas for any purpose other than as the motor fuel for such motor vehicle) which are currently licensed for use on public streets and roads under the provisions of the Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap. 374), any regulation made thereunder and any amending legislation9/2024Location Plan
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