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Development Control and Compliance

Certificate of Compliance

A Certificate of Compliance is issued to the land owners when all the positive obligations imposed under the General and Special Conditions of the land grant or sale documents have been complied with to the satisfaction of the Government.

Applicants may wish refer to the following Lands Department Land Administration Office Practice Notes before making the Certificate of Compliance applications:

Quarterly Statistics

Certificate of Compliance issued from 1 January 2018 onwards

Certificate of Compliance issued before 2018

Year First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter
2017 8 5 9 11
2016 12 8 12 13
2015 8 5 8 10
2014 11 4 8 10
2013 5 7 4 10
2012 2 5 8 10
2011 8 8 14 9
2010 8 7 9 7
2009 7 12 10 14
2008 3 6 6 10
2007 - - 13 13
  1. Developments built under the provisions of the Buildings Ordinance (Application to the New Territories) Ordinance (Cap. 121) have been excluded.
  2. The number of residential units is based on the concerned information contained in the relevant Monthly Digests published by the Buildings Department available at the time when the Certificate of Compliance in respect of the lot is issued.
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