Railway Projects
The land required for railway development will be acquired under the provisions of the Railways Ordinance (Chapter 519).
Lands Department is responsible for the acquisition of private land, either permanently or temporarily, for the implementation of new railway projects as well as the processing of related compensation matters.
The land acquisition may be carried out by way of the resumption/strata resumption of private land, creation of rights of temporary occupation over private land, closure of roads and reclamation of or other works above or upon the Government foreshore or seabed for the construction of the railway.
Compensation may be claimed under the procedures laid down in the Railways Ordinance (Chapter 519) which represents the basic legal entitlement of affected persons. Section 32 of the Railways Ordinance (Chapter 519) sets out the right to compensation. Part II of the Schedule to the Railways Ordinance (Chapter 519), which should be read with Part I of the Schedule, sets out the matters for which compensation may be claimed; the basis on which compensation is to be assessed; the persons who may claim compensation; and the period within which the claim must be served on the Secretary for Transport and Logistics.
General Ex-gratia Compensation Arrangements for Owners, Tenants and Occupants and Rehousing Arrangements for Occupants of Squatter Structures affected by Land Resumption and Government Development Clearance Exercises
Land Resumption and Compensation in the Urban Area - Guidelines for Owners, Occupiers and Surveyors
How To Receive Compensation For Private Land Resumed In The New Territories By The Government
Lands Department is responsible for the resumption and clearance of land for the implementation of new railway projects. Ex-gratia allowances and rehousing arrangements may be offered to eligible persons affected by the resumption and clearance exercises.