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Land Sale
Short Term Tenancy / Land Transaction
Consent Scheme
Government Rent
Map Information & Spatial Data
Office Information / Others
Date of Issue: 17 July 2024
Date of Issue: 24 May 2024
Date of Issue: 12 April 2024
Date of Issue: 12 April 2024
Date of Issue: 28 August 2024
Short Term Tenancy Tender
Tenancy No. STTSK0327
Tender Closing Date : 12:00 noon on 13 September 2024
Date of Issue: 28 June 2024
Sale of Government Land by Tender
Yuen Long Town Lot No. 545
Tender Closing Date : 12:00 noon on Friday, 28 June 2024 has been extended to 12:00 noon on Friday, 27 December 2024

Government Notice (Extraordinary) No. 21 of 2024 issued on 28 June 2024 on “Extension of Tender Closing Date”