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Survey and Mapping

Disciplinary Board Panel

  1. The Disciplinary Board Panel is a statutory body established under section 19 of the Land Survey Ordinance (Cap. 473) (LSO) for the purpose of conducting inquiry into the conduct of authorized land surveyor who is suspected to have committed disciplinary offence. In accordance with sections 19(2) and 19(3) of the LSO, the Panel shall consist of 9 persons appointed by the Chief Executive and their term of appointment shall not exceed two years. The appointments of the current Panel members will last until 26 June 2025. The membership of the current Panel is as follows:

    Mr. CHAN Chak-ming
    Dr. CHAN Man-wai
    Miss CHAN Yuen-ki
    Ms. KONG Yuk-foon, Doreen
    Mr. LAU Chi-kwong
    Ms. LAU Wan-ching
    Ms. NG Man-yan, Mandy
    Mr. TANG Sze-kin
    Mr. TSANG Chun-tat

  2. According to section 21 of the LSO, a complaint concerning a disciplinary offence alleged to have been committed by an authorized land surveyor may be made to the Land Survey Authority, who shall then refer such complaint to the Secretary for Development (Secretary). Where the Secretary is of the opinion that there should be an inquiry into the conduct of the authorized land surveyor concerned, the Secretary shall appoint a Disciplinary Board to conduct such an inquiry in accordance with section 22 of the LSO.