Revitalisation of Industrial Buildings 2009
General Information
The Government announced in October 2009 a package of measures to facilitate redevelopment and wholesale conversion of industrial buildings to address the needs of economic and social development. These measures include, among others, (a) special arrangement for a lease modification or land exchange for redevelopment of an industrial lot and (b) special waiver for conversion of an entire existing industrial building. The said measures came into effect on 1 April 2010 and ended on 31 March 2016. No new application will be accepted under the said measures. The following Lands Department Land Administration Office (LAO) Practice Notes may be referred to for reference.
- LAO Practice Note No. 1/2010 - Application for (a) Special Arrangement for a Lease Modification (or a Land Exchange) for Redevelopment of an Industrial Lot; or (b) Special Waiver for Conversion of an Entire Existing Industrial Building
- LAO Practice Note No. 1/2010A - Application for (a) Special Arrangement for a Lease Modification (or a Land Exchange) for Redevelopment of an Industrial Lot; or (b) Special Waiver for Conversion of an Entire Existing Industrial Building
- LAO Practice Note No. 1/2010B - Application for (a) Special Arrangement for a Lease Modification (or a Land Exchange) for Redevelopment of an Industrial Lot; or (b) Special Waiver for Conversion of an Entire Existing Industrial Building
The special waiver for conversion of an existing industrial building under the above Practice Notes requires that, the owner of the lot or of a unit in the existing building shall obtain the prior written consent of the Director of Lands to sell, assign or otherwise dispose of the lot or the unit or to enter into any agreement to do so. Applicants may refer to the Lands Department Land Administration Office Practice Note below before making the application:
For information on the "Revitalisation of Industrial Buildings" announced in year 2018, please refer to Revitalisation of Industrial Buildings.
Summary of Applications received relating to Redevelopment and Conversion of Industrial Buildings pursuant to P.N. Nos. 1/2010, 1/2010A and 1/2010B
From April 2017 onwards, relevant information will be updated on a quarterly basis.
Note: The last modified date of the document is shown in brackets.
Executed Special Waiver Cases
Year |
2022 (Last Modified : 27.4.2023)
2021 (Last Modified : 19.1.2022)
2020 (Last Modified : 23.4.2021)
2019 (Last Modified : 20.4.2020)
2018 (Last Modified : 21.1.2019)