Personal Information Collection Statement
The personal data collected from you will be used by the Lands Department for the intended purposes as specified. In the event that the collection of certain personal data is obligatory, we will inform you the possible consequences for failure to provide so. The personal data you provide may be transferred or disclosed to other Government bureaux/departments or our authorized contractors for the intended purposes.
You have a right under Sections 18 and 22 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to request access to and correction of the personal data held by the Lands Department as follows -
The Right of Subject Access
An individual, or an authorised relevant person on behalf of an individual, is entitled to make a data access request to :-
- ascertain from this Department whether we hold personal data of which he or she is the data subject; and
- if this Department holds such data, to be supplied with a copy of such data upon payment of copying and necessary charges.
The Right of Data Correction
Following the supply by this Department of a copy of personal data in compliance with a data access request, an individual is entitled to ask for correction of the personal data concerned if he or she considers that the data are inaccurate. This is to be done by means of a data correction request to this Department. Such a request may also be made by a properly authorised relevant person.
Please contact the following officer of this Department for request(s) relating to access and correction of your personal data -
Lands Department
21/F North Point Government Offices
333 Java Road
Hong Kong
Tel. No. : 2231 3288
Fax No. : 2116 0772