Hong Kong Geographic Data 2024

1. Area
Total Land and Sea Area of Hong Kong
Regions | Area (km2) |
Hong Kong Island | 78.64 |
Adjacent islands | 2.08 |
Total - Hong Kong Island and its adjacent islands | 80.72 |
Kowloon | 46.93 |
New Territories - mainland | 748.26 |
New Territories - islands (Lantau 148.40 sq km; others 90.25 sq km) | 238.66 |
Total - New Territories | 986.92 |
Total Land Area of Hong Kong | 1114.57 |
Victoria Harbour | 41.10 |
Total Sea Area of Hong Kong (Including Victoria Harbour) | 1640.40 |
Total Land and Sea Area of Hong Kong | 2754.97 |
Area by District Council district (Base on 2023 District Council Boundary)
District Council district | Area (km2) |
Central & Western District | 12.55 |
Wan Chai District | 10.64 |
Eastern District | 18.13 |
Southern District | 39.40 |
Yau Tsim Mong District | 6.99 |
Sham Shui Po District | 9.36 |
Kowloon City District | 10.01 |
Wong Tai Sin District | 9.30 |
Kwun Tong District | 11.28 |
Tsuen Wan District | 62.61 |
Tuen Mun District | 87.60 |
Yuen Long District | 138.56 |
North District | 136.51 |
Tai Po District | 148.19 |
Sai Kung District | 136.35 |
Sha Tin District | 69.27 |
Kwai Tsing District | 23.34 |
Islands District | 183.51 |
Total* | 1113.60 |
* Exclude area of 0.97km2 for the Loop which has been included into the boundary of the Hong Kong SAR but which District Council district it will be included into is pending.
Major Reservoirs
Name of Reservoirs | Area (km2) | Capacity (m3) |
Plover Cove Reservoir | 12.04 | 229.7 x 106 |
High Island Reservoir | 6.67 | 281.1 x 106 |
Tai Lam Chung Reservoir | 1.70 | 20.5 x 106 |
Shek Pik Reservoir | 1.03 | 24.5 x 106 |
Shing Mun Reservoir & Lower Shing Mun Reservoir | 0.90 | 17.6 x 106 |
Reclamation Area (Since 1887)
Regions | Area (km2) |
Hong Kong Island and its adjacent islands | 7.29 |
Kowloon | 13.62 |
New Territories - mainland | 28.73 |
New Territories - islands | 28.77 |
Total | 78.42 |
2. Geographical Position
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region lies between Latitude 22°08' North and 22°35' North, Longitude 113°49' East and 114°31' East.
3. Territorial Grid
Known as the "Hong Kong 1980 Grid", it is constructed on the Transverse Mercator Projection based on HK80 datum.
4. Magnetic Declination
The Magnetic Declination in 2024 at Lion Rock is 3°23' west of True North changing by approximately 5' westward annually.
5. Vertical Datums
Heights are shown in metres above the Hong Kong Principal Datum (HKPD). For general reference, the Mean Sea Level is about 1.3 metres above the HKPD. Depths in sea refer to the Chart Datum which is 0.15 metres below the Hong Kong Principal Datum.
Geographic data derived from 1:10 000 map dataset of Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department as at October 2023