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Cessation of Publication - Hong Kong Guide

The Lands Department (LandsD) announces the cessation of the publication of the Hong Kong Guide printed edition annually starting from 2023. Instead, as and when necessary, special edition of Hong Kong Guide will be released for specific purpose irregularly. As an alternative, the official electronic guide map, the "e-HongKongGuide", is available for the public for free download.

The design and content of "e-HongKongGuide" are based on the Hong Kong Guide. It is a collection of maps in GeoPDF format which can be read by desktop computers and applications on mobile devices in offline mode. With the improved page layout of “e-HongKongGuide”, users can also conveniently print out their area-of-interest in A3 or A4 size to support daily operations. Moreover, the updating frequency of “e-HongKongGuide” are increased to twice a year. To learn more about the “e-HongKongGuide”, please visit the LandsD's website at